How to Upgrade Your Bonding Capacity from a Fast-Track Program to a Standard Program
Typically, contractors that require small and infrequent, or one-off performance bonds apply for a Fast-Track Program. This application process is quick and simple and does not require much financial or underwriting information. It is ideal for contractors that need construction bonds under $500,000. Approval is based primarily on the applicant’s credit score and a completed application can be approved by the surety company within a day. A Standard Bond Program, however, requires more complex financial information and cost systems from the contractor and takes more time for the surety to approve. So why would a contractor want to upgrade to a larger, more traditional Standard Bond Program? Firstly, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is anticipated to revitalize America’s infrastructure and drive significant job growth in the construction industry over the next few years. It will modernize and upgrade our roads, bridges, ports, and other key infrastructure assets desperately in need of repair. A Standard Program will enable a contractor to take on these larger government projects* which require construction bonds, thus procuring more work for their pipeline. Secondly, a contractor can save money by securing a lower bond rate. Fast-Track bonds are typically charged at a higher rate...
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